Effective Monday, April 7, 2025 the Carol Miller Justice Center will expand its business hours to 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and closed on Fridays.

Ability to Pay

Ability to Pay

If you're having difficulty paying your traffic ticket, you may ask the Court for a reduction.

Learn more

There are many options to resolve your case without appearing in court, unless an appearance is required. Please refer to the Traffic Division’s Public Notice for additional information. Pursuant to Penal Code § 1428.5 - external link, the Traffic Unit provides all parties with the opportunity to appear for arraignments and trials either in-person or virtual via Zoom. If you are a defendant and do not consent to having the trial held virtually, please let us know at your next hearing. If a defendant and retained counsel appear from different locations, it is defendant and counsel’s responsibility to set up a private line of communication during the hearing; the court will not provide one. Even with consent of the parties to remote appearances, the court retains the authority to require the physical presence of any witness or party in court for a particular proceeding. (See Pen. Code, § 1428.5(a)(2) - external link.


  1. Traffic Virtual Public Counter (Room 100) via Zoom.
    Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, excluding court holidays.
  2. You can show proof of correction, set up payments, pay in full or check-in for a video arraignment appearance. A device that has audio and video capabilities is required.

    Click HERE to enter the virtual waiting room. Additional information can be found by accessing the applicable Zoom Reference Guide below:

  3. Traffic Call Center via Phone at (916) 669-5712
    Monday - Friday 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday - 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., reduced hours on some holidays.
  4. You can request traffic school, set up payments, pay in full or obtain general information regarding your traffic matter.

  5. Traffic Public Counter (Room 100)
    Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday, excluding court holidays
  6. You can show proof of correction, request traffic school, set up payments, pay in full, check-in for arraignment or obtain general information regarding your traffic matter. Please note: If you are checking in for arraignment on more than 5 cases you must appear by 3:00 p.m.


  • If you have a scheduled video arraignment hearing, you can obtain the link to appear in court via Zoom by accessing your case on the Public Case Access System. Additionally, you must read the following notice prior to your court appearance:
  • The Traffic Arraignment Advisement of Right, this notice contains important information regarding your rights and the arraignment process.

  • If you have a scheduled court trial, post sentencing, or motion hearing, you can obtain the link to appear in court via Zoom by accessing your case on the Public Case Access System (PCAS).

      It is unlawful to record, download or in any way reproduce a trial without specific court permission. Violators can be held in contempt of court and sanctions imposed pursuant to rule of court 1.150 - external link.

  • Please refer to the applicable Zoom Reference Guide below for instructions regarding how to participate in your Zoom court appearance.

Online Services for Traffic

  • Look Up / Pay Your Citation
  • Please be aware that the official language used for the contents of the Sacramento Superior Court Public Access System is English. If you are using the translate option, the Public Case Access System may encounter an error while locating your citation. If you experience this error, don't hesitate to contact a Traffic Clerk via Zoom or contact the Traffic Call Center.

Resolving your Citation and Payment Options

General Information

Court Process

Night Court

Night Court services at the Carol Miller Justice Center (CMJC) are available on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 4:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. If the 2nd Wednesday of the month is a court holiday, Night Court will occur on the 2nd Thursday of that same month. You may check-in for arraignment, show proof of correction, set up payments or pay in full in person at the Traffic Public Counter or remotely at the Traffic Virtual Counter by clicking HERE.

Please note: Interpreter services are not currently available during the night court hours.

Penalty and Fine Information

Law Enforcement Agencies

Location Information