Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Court will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Washington's Birthday

ADA Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a federal civil rights statute, requires all state and local governmental entities, including the courts, to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities who have an interest in court activities, programs, and services.

In accordance with this statue, Rule 1.100 of the California Rules of Court - external link was established and it states: "It is the policy of the courts of this state to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal and full access to the judicial system." Under this rule, any person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment may request an accommodation. According to the rule, access can mean physical accommodation to go into and move about buildings and use accessible restrooms. Access can also mean full participation in the court's programs, services, and activities, with the assistance of technology or other services.

In keeping with Rule 1.100, the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or in the admission and access to its services, programs or activities.

Each facility of the Sacramento Superior Court is equipped with accommodations available for persons with disabilities and includes assistance for persons with hearing, visual, physical, and mental impairments. Some in-court accommodations include:

  • Elevators with Braille lettering
  • Wheelchair accessible restrooms
  • Wheelchair accessible drinking fountains

Service animals are welcome at all facilities.

How to Request an Accommodation

In accordance with California Rules of Court, rule 1.100 - external link, requests for accommodations must be made as far in advance as possible, and in any event must be made no fewer than five (5) business days before the date the accommodation is needed. The Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento (the Court) may, in its discretion, waive this requirement. The Court may be unable to accommodate an untimely request.

If an accommodation is required to access Court programs, services, or activities a request for the needed accommodation may be made by filling out the Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Order Form (MC-410). Follow the link to download the form, or obtain the form at any of our court facilities. Submit the completed form to the ADA Coordinator for the courthouse which will be visited.

Requests will also be accepted by telephone. When making a telephone request, please have the following information readily available:

  • Name and address of person requiring the accommodation
  • Name of the court facility where the accommodation is needed
  • Case name
  • Type of proceeding (civil, criminal, juvenile, family law and probate)
  • Date the accommodation is needed
  • Impairment necessitating accommodation
  • Type of accommodation

NOTE: If there is a disagreement with the determination regarding the requested accommodation a review of the determination may be sought within 10 days of the date of the response. Procedures for requesting a review are located in California Rules of Court, rule 1.100(g) - external link

Services Which Require Advance Notice

To request the following services, make the request verbally or fill out the Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Order Form (MC-410).

  • Alternative Format: If a document or form is needed in an alternative format such as Braille, enlarged print or audio tape, contact a clerk at any public counter, or the Court ADA Coordinator.
  • Assistive Listening Device (ALD): If an ALD is needed, contact the ADA Coordinator (link to list) for the courthouse which will be visited to coordinate the day, time, and the department.
  • American Sign Language Interpreter (ASL): If an ASL Interpreter is needed for your court hearing, contact the Interpreter’s Office at (916) 874-8455 to coordinate the day, time and the department. For all other ASL needs, contact the ADA Coordinator listed below at the courthouse that will be visited.
  • Computer-Aided Transcription Device: If you need a Real-Time Reporter, contact the ADA Coordinator to coordinate the day, time and the department.

In the event an accommodation is not available on the specified date or time, or does not meet the criteria of a reasonable accommodation, the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento may discuss possible alternatives.

ADA Coordinators

The Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento has designated an ADA Coordinator(s) at each Court facility to carry out each facility's compliance with the requirements of Rule 1.100. If an accommodation is required, contact the ADA Coordinator at the courthouse that will be visited. The ADA Coordinator can answer questions regarding accessibility issues at a specific courthouse (e.g., accessible parking, accessible path of travel, accessible restrooms, or wheelchair access in a particular courtroom).

  • Gordon D. Schaber Sacramento County Courthouse, Main Jail, and Hall of Justice
    720 9th Street
    Sacramento, CA 95814
  • William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse
    3341 Power Inn Road
    Sacramento, CA 95826
    • Stacy Williams: 916-875-3471
  • Carol Miller Justice Center
    301 Bicentennial Circle
    Sacramento, CA 95826
    • Andrea Tramontini: 916-875-1692
  • Juvenile Courthouse
    9605 Kiefer Boulevard
    Sacramento, CA 95827
    • Lina Vasquez: 916-874-5686
    • Fax: 916-875-5168
  • Hearing Impaired Persons: 711, or 1-800-735-2929 (TTY)
  • California Relay Service: 1-800-735-2922 (Voice)
  • Speech to Speech Service: 1-800-854-7784