Friday, March 28, 2025

The Court will be closed on Monday, March 31st in observance of César Chávez Day

A Civil Harassment Restraining Order is a court order that helps protect people from violence, stalking, serious harassment, or threats of violence. Restraining orders could tell the person:

  • They cannot contact you or any member of your household,
  • Not go near you, your children, or others who live with you, no matter where you go;
  • Stay away from your work, your school, or your children's school; or
  • Not have a gun.

You may request a Civil Harassment Restraining Order against any of the following:

  • A neighbor, roommate, friend, former-friend, girlfriend/boyfriend/ of your former boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-spouse’s new partner/spouse, family member more than 2 degrees removed, (like an aunt or uncle, a niece or nephew, cousins, and more distant relative), or
  • Other people you are not closely related to.
  • Check the Domestic Violence Restraining Orders section to see relationship which require a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders cannot be used to remove a person from a home.

Before Getting Started

You will need the following information before starting the Civil Harassment Restraining Orders interview:

  • Click on Get Started.
  • (Optional but recommended) Sign Up to Save Your Work
  • Answer questions in the interview
  • (Optional but recommended) Save your answers so you can return at another time
  • When you have completed the interview, download and print your forms
  • Add documents/pictures to the CH-100 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Order.If you want to attach documents or pictures in color be sure to make two copies

Get Started

Download and Print (single-sided) the packet after you have completed the interview.

Print your address on the CLETS-001- Confidential CLETS Information.

Sign the following documents:

  • CM-010 - Civil Case Coversheet
  • CH-100 - Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

Make 1 copy of the following documents:

  • CH-100 - Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
  • CH-109 - Notice of Court Hearing
  • CH-110 - Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH)
  • Ch-130 - Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-CHO)

Place the CM-010 (original only) and the CLETS-001 (original only) with the other documents. Please place a copy of each of the other documents behind the original. (example CH-100 Original, Copy; CH-109 Originals, Copy; CH-110 original, Copy; etc.)

You can file the documents at:

Gordon D. Schaber Sacramento County Courthouse
720 9th Street, Room 102, Window 10
Sacramento, CA 95814

If you file before 11:30 a.m. your results are available at 4:00 p.m. the same day. If you file after 11:30 a.m. your results are available at 4:00 p.m. the following business day.

Read the Civil Harassment Restraining Orders pamphlet for more information or contact us if you have questions.

Step 2 Packet

For questions about a Continuance, Renewal of Permanent Restraining Order, Motion to Modify or Terminate Restraining Order, or Service of documents, see the Civil Harassment Restraining Orders pamphlet or Restraining Order web page.