
After sentencing on a Domestic Violence case, the court will require batterers' intervention as a condition of probation for any offense in which the victim is a person defined in Section 6211 of the Family Law Code - external link. The intervention will consist of the following:

  • 52 weekly consecutive sessions.
  • Gender specfic groups.
  • Complete all sessions within one year.

Referral Process

You will receive a list of providers that you must contact to begin participation in Batterers Treatment Program (BTP) education. An appearance date will be scheduled within 6 weeks for you to return to court and provide proof of enrollment.

Program Fees

The BTP programs are managed by the Sacramento County Probation Department DV Standards and Procedures that outline a standardized fee policy. The Standardized Fee Policy was developed by the Sacramento County Superior Court to provide uniformity and to ensure that all providers are conducting fee assessments within the same limits. There is a sliding fee scale to determine the amount you will pay for the program based on your household income. Special Fee considerations that allow for reduced fees are provided to those whose income is below the poverty level. - external link

You will contact and report to the provider that you select to make arrangements to attend the program and pay program fees. The program provider will meet with you and perform a financial evaluation to determine the fees that you must pay and evaluate any Special Fee Consideration.

Inability to Pay

At the initial referral to the BTP, or at any time during participation in the program, you can advise the provider that your financial circumstances have changed or your household income does not afford the ability to pay the fees determined by the provider. You and the program provider will then complete a Financial Eligibility form.

Review on Ability to Pay

If a court date is not already set for proof of enrollment, the program provider will select a court date for a financial review. The provider will write the new or existing court date on the CR-320 form, forward the original to the court and provide a copy to you. Bring all financial documentation, including proof of the amount and source of income to the court date. At the conclusion of the hearing, the court will make one of the following findings:

  • You should pay full fees.
  • You should pay reduced fees.
  • You should pay no fees.

The court will complete and sign the “Court Order” portion of the form. The order will inform the provider of the court’s finding as it relates to the costs for BTP services. After completion, copy and send the form to the provider by mail or fax.

Failure to Appear

If you fail to appear at the Ability to Pay hearing it may result in the court ordering that you pay full program fees as determined by the program. Contact your attorney for your options.