The Family Law Facilitator's Office offers several informational workshops. You must be a party to the case to attend one of these workshops. Except as noted below, workshops are offered through Zoom and are by appointment only. Appointments can be made through e-Correspondence. Please have valid government issued ID (not a copy or image) and your case number available when checking in for any workshop.

Domestic Violence Restraining Order Workshop

Information on this workshop can be found on the Domestic Violence page. Appointments are not required for this workshop.

Financial Disclosure Workshop

This workshop offers helpful tips and information regarding the Financial Disclosure Process required in Dissolution and Legal Separation cases. This workshop is offered on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month with check in at 8:45 a.m. You must have a divorce or legal separation case in the Sacramento Superior Court to attend. Appointments are not required to attend. To join the workshop at the scheduled time, use this link: - external link

Meeting ID: 161 999 7185

Passcode: 129856

Hearing Preparation

The Court has provided an interactive video to assist you on your day in Court. Play Video

Judgment Workshop

This workshop is for persons who started a divorce or legal separation case in Sacramento County, have satisfied the financial disclosure requirements, and are ready to finish the case - with or without a court hearing. The Judgment Workshop is held every fourth Thursday of the month by appointment.

Trial Preparation Workshop

This workshop helps prepare persons for settlement conference and trial at the William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse. The Trial Preparation Workshop is held on the third Monday of each month with check in at 8:45 a.m.

You must have a scheduled trial before the family court to attend the workshop. To join the workshop at the scheduled time, use this link:

Meeting ID: 160 122 8083

Passcode: 407721

Virtual Front Counter

Our office provides assistance with e-Correspondence, procedural assistance, and information at our Virtual Front Counter on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. via Zoom using the following link:

Meeting ID: 161 292 6945

Passcode: 317970