Sunday, March 30, 2025

The Court will be closed on Monday, March 31st in observance of César Chávez Day

Qualifications for Jury Service

California law says you are qualified to be a juror if you:

  • Are a citizen of the United States.
  • Are 18 years of age or older.
  • Are a resident of Sacramento County.
  • Have sufficient understanding of the English language.
  • Are not currently serving as a Grand Juror.
  • Are not under a conservatorship.
  • Are not a peace officer as defined by Penal Code section 830.1, 830.2(A) or 830.33(A) - external link
  • Are not on parole, post-release community supervision, felony probation, or mandatory supervision for the conviction of a felony.
  • Are not currently incarcerated in prison or jail.
  • Are not required to register as a sex offender pursuant to section 290 of the Penal Code - external link for the conviction of a felony.
  • Were convicted of malfeasance in office, but have had your civil rights restored.

As a qualified juror, you are instructed to check the website: or call the automated system at (916) 874-7775 any time after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before your standby service week begins for your group reporting instructions.

If your answer is NO to any of the above statements, you must review and complete the Request to be Disqualified section below.

If employed, you MUST report to work until your group is called in. Please see the Request for Postponement section below if you cannot serve for at least 10 days following your scheduled summons date.

If you’re requesting to be excused, review and complete the Request for Excuse section below.

Request to be Disqualified

Qualifications for jury service are established by California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 203 - external link, and are listed in the Qualifications Statements above.

If you find that you are not qualified to serve, submit a request to be disqualified by clicking on the button below.

Submit a Disqualification Online

Request for Excuse

California Rules of Court, rule 2.1008 - external link, specifies the grounds on which the Jury Commissioner's Office is allowed to excuse prospective jurors from jury service. It states, "Jury service, unless excused by law, is a responsibility of citizenship". Postponing one's jury service is preferred to excusing a prospective juror.

If the excuse reason requires additional information, your jury service will be postponed to allow you sufficient time to obtain the required documentation. A postcard will be sent to you with the due date for the required documentation.

To request an excuse, click on the button below.

You will NOT be notified if your request is granted. You will receive a postcard response if your request is denied.

To request an excuse, click on the button below.

Submit an Excuse Online

Request for Postponement

The Superior Court realizes prospective jurors may have been summoned at an inconvenient time and in most instances are willing to defer or postpone service to a more convenient time. Deferring jury service is preferred for a temporary or marginal hardship, i.e. a medical appointment; full-time student or planned vacation.

Jury service may be postponed for a period of up to 90 days from the original summons date. Students and Teachers may be rescheduled to the next school break. Breastfeeding mothers may be postponed for a period of up to one year. Our website will not accept postponements for longer than 90 days, therefore students, teachers and breastfeeding mother will need to make their request in writing via:

  • E-mail to:
  • Fax to: 916-588-4797
  • Mail to:

    Jury Commissioner
    Sacramento Superior Court
    720 9th Street
    Sacramento, CA 95814

To request a postponement, click on the button below.

Submit a Postponement Online