Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Court will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Washington's Birthday

Words used in Unlawful Detainer process.

The meaning of a term as explicitly stated in a drafted document.

To respond to a pleading or discovery request; a defendant's first pleading that addresses the merits of the case.
The initial pleading that starts a civil action and states the basis for the court's jurisdiction, the basis for the plaintiff's claim, and the demand for relief.
The omission or failure to perform a legal or contractual duty.
A person sued in a legal proceeding.
To claim as one's due; to require; to seek relief.
The act or process of legally dispossessing a person of land or rental property.
A court's final determination of the right and obligations of the parties in a case.
Legal notification required by law or agreement.
The party who brings a civil suit in a court of law.
To make legal delivery of (a notice or process).
Unlawful Detainer:
The unjustifiable retention of the possession of real property by one whose original entry was lawful, as when a tenant holds over after lease termination despite the landlord's demand for possession.
A court's written order, in the name of a state or other competent legal authority, commanding the addressee to do or refrain from doing some specified act.